Well folks, it's been a long, long time! It's funny how time seems to fly by so quickly! Well, I was thinking about my blog and how poorly I have been maintaining it, so I decided that now is the best time to make an update. Azaria and Anya are now 3 and 2 years old, respectively. This pic was taken earlier in September on Azaria's first day of school. I can't believe she's already in school, either! Her uniform definitely reminds me of when I was in Jamaica and my cousin Petra was going to school in her little uniform. For Azaria, going to school wouldn't be complete without a Hello Kitty lunch bag! Anya accompanied her sister on her first day. And there were no tears, either! Way to go, Azaria! She loves school and loves learning!... Lord willing, next year will Anya will be in the same position!
I hope you enjoyed this quick update of the girls. I'll do my best to maintain it on a bi-weekly basis.